t_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1486 t_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1058 t_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 630 t_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 202 Here are the vampire specific cheats you can use for your vampires. t_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160Ĭhange your Sim into a Vampire in a few days (natural transition) You can also resort to cheats if you want to turn a pre-existing Sim into a vampire, these are the cheats to use: Cheat Code This is the option to use if you have a pre-existing Sim you’d like turned but don’t want to use cheats. Befriending him will later allow you to ask him to turn you into a vampire. The next way you can turn into a vampire is by visiting Vladislaus Straud, the local Grand Master Vampire. These vampires are automatically defaulted to Rank 1 vampires. However you want your vampire to look, there are plenty of options, including the more gothic-styled ones. When you click on your occult option you can create your vampire from scratch, giving them that undead look or perhaps focusing more on the suave and beguiling vampiric charm. The easiest way to create a vampire is through the Create a Sim option. Create a SimĪre you making a gothic or modern vampire? – Copyright Maxis/EA When vampires reach a new Vampire Rank, they’re required to choose a weakness, or else they won’t be allowed to learn any new powers, this acts as a means to balance their powers but also adds some more fun gameplay to make each vampire unique. Being mentored by higher ranked Vampires.Vampire Sims have several options to increase their Vampire Rank. Each Vampire Rank unlocks another row of Powers and Weaknesses to choose from: There are five Vampire Ranks, each of which unlocks new abilities and powers. While the game can’t get away with calling it blood, they feed on plasma – which they can either get from other Sims or you can buy plasma bags to satiate a vampire’s thirst. What exactly makes a vampire Sim different? Vampire Sims need to feed on others. Either by turning your pre-existing Sims into them, creating new ones in the CAS, or simply cheating. There’s a number of ways to create vampire Sims. The Sims 4 features a number of vampires to be wary of – Copyright Maxis/EA