81-255 of Maon the suppression of fraud in transactions in works of art and collectibles. The certificate of authenticity of a work of art is governed by Decree No. Certificate of authenticity of a work of art: what does French law say This is why many certificates of authenticity of works of art are issued on watermarked paper or include security elements such as a seal, an electronic chip, a secure code or a QR code. To secure the authentication of a work of art, its certificate must be tamper-proof. How are certificates of authenticity for works of art secured? In either case, the number of copies made will appear on the certificate of authenticity. In terms of sculpture, only works reproduced a maximum of eight times from a single mold can benefit from the status of original artwork prints made by the author or under his control.signed and numbered prints up to a limit of 30 copies (any format and any medium combined).In terms of photo prints, the following can only benefit from a certificate of authenticity of an artwork of art:

The price of the work does not appear on the certificate of authenticity.Ĭertificate of authenticity: the particular case of sculptures and art photos The professional numbers of the artist or the art gallery (Maison des Artistes, AGESSA, SIRET, SIREN, etc.). The certificate of authenticity will then also include:

What information must the certificate of authenticity of an artwork of art include?